What should I do if I’ve been overcharged for my order?
We're really sorry if you've been charged more than you were expecting for your order.
There are a couple of reasons why it may appear you've been charged more than you were expecting:
We charge you in the currency that is selected at the checkout when you place your order. If your local currency is different to the currency you selected at the checkout then your bank will convert the amount using their exchange rate. Next time you shop with us, click on the flag at the top right corner of any page, then select your country from the list if it isn't already selected.
If you've used a promo code on your order, the discount may not apply to all of the items in your basket. There are certain exclusions with some promo codes and you can find these in the Ts&Cs that would have been included when you received the code.
If you still believe you've been overcharged for you order, then please get in touch with our contact centre team and we'll look into it further for you.